
Rebalance My Skin Menopausal Skin Products: Simplifying your Skincare Routine

Jun 23, 2022

Perimenopause - Am I going through ‘The Change’

Simplify Your Menopausal Skincare Routine with Combined Skincare


Perimenopause - Am I going through ‘The Change’

As our bodies age and transition from the reproductive years through to the menopause, when we cease to have periods (menstruation is paused) our hormones can begin to go haywire. Many will have endured the teenage years to varying levels where hormones may have caused epic mood swings and likely to have had acne prone skin as hormones adapted to levels allowing the reproductive years. All this happening when you would have had school or college exams whilst trying to become an adult, so the most pressurised time of your life so far. Are we having the reversal of the teenage years but with added grace and knowledge; although with the added pressure of having to maintain being an ‘adult’ where you want to go off in a strop or cry, but you have no idea why you may be considered childlike but really can we even control this?


Hormones are ebbing and flowing to different levels and its crazy to think that even the sanest of people can maintain a level state of wellbeing throughout this. Thankfully recent media attention is highlighting these issues and that ladies experiencing menopausal symptoms shouldn’t have to hide away and be ashamed. The progress has been happening slowly for many years and all that people realised about ‘The Change’ previously was that you may have hot flushes, well that’s not the only so-called symptom and just as with the teenage years ‘The Change’ doesn’t happen overnight its progressive over several years, possibly over a decade. As awareness is increasing and we are no longer hiding from natural facts of life, this transitional change is becoming known by its real name The Perimenopause.


After a few discussions with various friends of my age and frank talks with friends who are a little more advanced in their age I realised I’m more than likely to be on the road to the perimenopause; small changes are beginning to occur and once I realised what was happening it has allowed me to deal with it a little more. I’m not entirely sure I feel old enough for this change, mentally I still feel in my 20’s, that is until the brain fog creeps in, and I can’t remember what I was saying in a sentence although this only happens at certain times of the month, so I figure this is hormonal.

 Menopausal and perimenopausal symptoms include, hotflashes, irritability, loss of skin elasticity, sagging skin, fatigue, adult acne, reduced libido, night sweats, dry eyes, irregular periods, aching joints, facial hair, frequently urinating, palpatations

Signs of the Perimenopause

 How can I support my body through the Perimenopause?


With my scientific background and desire to deeply research subject matters I have been reading scientific journals and piecing together the information about how I can support my body and ease this transition in relation to the skin due to my knowledge and experience of growing of epithelial cells in a laboratory. Past research focussed on the reduction of estrogen (can also be spelt oestrogen) during the perimenopause and its relationship with other hormones such as increases in testosterone, which can lead to oily skin, possible adult acne plus a few facial hairs, and progesterone which can lead to hair loss (but unfortunately not likely to be the hairs you’ve just gained on the chin).


Estrogen levels decrease during the perimenopause and result in various symptoms including jowls, facial hair, more wrinkled skin

The natural decline of estrogen affects the body and appears to be the cause of many of the symptoms associated with the perimenopause. In terms of the skin, we tend to notice that the wrinkles become more prevalent and areas such as our neck begin to lose elasticity becoming a little saggy and jowly, this is because as estrogen decreases the fatty deposits in our bodies redistribute over our middle areas, the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. This redistribution of fatty deposits results in a loss of supportive fat below the skin of the face, neck, hands, and arms leading to a wrinkled appearance, sagging areas of skin leading to jowls.


The natural decline of estrogen has a profound effect upon the skin because estrogen receptors are present in skin cells. As estrogen levels decrease it lowers the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, even more so if the skin has been damaged by exposed to UV rays (photodamage). The reduction of collagen and elastin results in loss of skin elasticity and taughtness – we begin to see the classic signs of aging, wrinkled faces and jowls.


Hormone Replacement Therapies (HRT)

Estrogen placement therapies have been explored for many years to ease the multitude of symptoms the perimenopause causes but many side effects have been related to their use. Hormone Replacement Therapies (HRT) have advanced, and you are advised to consult with your doctor regarding symptoms of the menopause and if HRT is a solution for you especially if any of the symptoms are persistent or debilitating. However, it is highly unlikely that your doctor will recommend HRT for the typical signs of aging skin and to help you maintain youthful looks, yet this is now a key area of research in relation to the menopause and there has been a surge in research relating to food and nutrition plus the relationship between aging during the perimenopause. Scientific journal articles are increasingly focussing upon the effects of vitamins, minerals and phytoestrogens, that are chemically similar to estrogen, and how sources of these foods impact and possibly ease the symptoms of the perimenopause.


Natural Ways to Support the Perimenopause


There is awareness that a diet rich in soy-based foods like those consumed in a typical Asian diet make the transition into menopause easier. Soy based foods, such as soybeans and tofu have been found to have isoflavones that are unique phytoestrogens (phyto meaning plant) similar to estrogen. It is thought that by consuming food rich in phytoestrogens the body can naturally replenish estrogen but in a gentle manner. By making estrogen available in the body via nutritional sources it can help synthesis collagen and elastin and thereby increase their presence in the skin leading to the appearance of fewer wrinkles and the onset of sagging skin by providing greater support to the skins structure.


I’ve been taking note of how my diet can influence and support my body through these transition years. I say taking note because I can’t be that angelic person who eats masses of healthy food each day, I’ve just had a cup of tea and snacked on a chocolate bar, although earlier I snacked on almonds, strawberries and cheese – yes a bit random but I was going for what was quick to prepare…...thankfully I am now armed with a daily food supplement that I have formulated to assist and take the guilt out of the times I make what could be considered a bad food choice. The formulation supports my aging skin but at the same time supports my body through the changes going on in my body.


My skin itself had become a little blemished lately, yet in areas a bit dry and of course the pesky wrinkles that I am aiming to keep to a minimum are trying to stare back at me in the mirror, but I’m determined to minimise their appearance, hold them back for a while longer and age gracefully. To assist in my battle against the wrinkles I’m using REMY’s Rebalance My Skin food supplement, taking 1 nutrient packed capsule each day, I swallow it with water but it can be opened and sprinkled into a drink, a smoothie perhaps? The menopause food supplement aims to provide nutrients to support the skin from inside rebalancing nutrients that the body lacks to encourage healthy and youthful skin growth, whilst outside a formulated menopausal night-time face serum soothes and nourishes the skin to help rebalance through the hormonal changes.


The purpose being to simplify a menopausal skincare routine to:

1. Consume the daily nutraceutical capsule in addition to your normal healthy diet with REMY's Rebalance My Skin food supplement

2. Apply the highly absorbent rebalancing serum to the face and neck before bedtime with REMY's Rebalance My Skin night time serum


Nutraceuticals are obtained from food sources and provide basic nutritional value as well as extra health benefits. The purpose of creating this nutrient-rich capsule was to provide essential components that epithelial cell growth relies upon that may not be consumed in your regular diet. As our outer skin is formed from epithelial cells, providing good, tailored nutrition can help skin cells be in optimum condition and so reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines yet support the skin through the hormonal transition of the perimenopause. In addition, the highly absorbent topical face serum helps keep skin in the best possible condition by providing relief from environmental factors and supports the production of collagen within the outer layer of the skin.



Creation of a Simple Menopausal Skincare Routine

Combined skincare of a food supplement to encourage healthy skin cell growth from the inside tailored to provide nutrients that support the menopausal stage of our lives plus a topical face serum to support skin through hormonal changes has added to REMY’s product range with “Rebalance My Skin”. This nutrient packed capsule and fast absorbing serum with key menopausal support ingredients is aimed at rebalancing skin that is experience a fluctuation of hormones yet helping to maintain a youthful appearance to aging skin.


REMYs REbalance My Skin offers menopausal assistance for the skin to help retain a radiant youthful appearance as our hormones fluctuate during the perimenopause



REMY believes in honest skincare and as such we want to tell you why and how our formulations are beneficial to your skincare needs. Our menopausal support product line Rebalance My Skin offers a balanced array of nutrients that can be lacking in our diets or may need an additional boost whilst our bodies are adjusting to changes in hormonal levels, in particular the decrease in estrogen levels attributed to the perimenopause. These nutrients are provided in 2 ways from the inside and out, a food supplement capsule and a night-time face serum and so providing a combined approach to tackling your skin care needs.


Rebalance Your Skin from the Outside with REMY’s Rebalance My Skin Menopausal Support Night-time Serum


Niacinamide (vitamin B3) - improves the skins surface structure by increasing ceramide (lipids or fats found in skin cells) synthesis to maintain the skins barrier function and in turn prevents moisture loss, dryness and reducing the risk of irritation.


Helianthus annuus (sunflower) seed oil - is rich in vitamins A, C, D and E plus sterols, and squalene. It is made up of an array of fatty acid predominantly linoleic acid which is beneficial for dry, itchy, irritated, and dehydrated skin as it helps to restore the skins barrier by assisting in the synthesis of ceramides which hold the barrier together leading to more hydrated, smoother, healthier looking skin.


Retinyl palmitate (vitamin A) - Topical vitamin A stimulates skin cell turnover which increases collagen and elastin production to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and improve skin elasticity respectively. By increasing cell turnover, vitamin A can help minimise uneven skin tone and skin dullness and speed up healing of acne breakouts.


d-panthenol (pro-vitamin B5) - is a precursor to vitamin B5, in this form it easily enters the skin where your body will quickly convert it into pantothenic acid which will then be used to hydrate and moisturise the skin by restoring the skins natural barrier and retaining hydration and so reduces fine lines and wrinkles.


Tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E) – is normally produced and kept in balance by your skins natural oils (sebum) but during the perimenopause vitamin E may be lacking, resulting in drier skin. Rebalancing the amount of Vitamin E available to your skin may help prevent the dryness associated with menopausal skin issues.


Sodium Hyaluronate (hyaluronic acid) – is a gentler version of the more well-known hyaluronic acid so kinder to skin that could be sensitive due to hormonal changes. This salt derivative of hyaluronic acid can penetrate the skin more deeply than hyaluronic acid and is used to help to retain moisture within the skin so your skin becomes optimally but gently hydrated with a healthy plumpness that can visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles.


Soybean oil – is a rich source of isoflavones that are phytestrogens with plant-based similarities to estrogen. In particular, the isoflavone genistein helps to rebalance the effects of low estrogen, by keeping moisture locked in and increasing collagen and elastin production associated with a decrease in estrogen levels which decline naturally during the perimenopause


Rebalance Your Skin from the Inside with REMY’s Rebalance My Skin Menopausal Support Food Supplement Capsules


Vitamin B2 - This vitamin is known as riboflavin which is a key component in the maintenance and repair of skin cells and tissue, it helps to maintain collagen levels, that are known to decrease during the perimenopause and so helping to prevent fine lines and wrinkles.


Vitamin B3 – also known as niacin. When digested vitamin B3 can help balance the effects of many skin conditions particularly those related to inflammation such as acne, rosacea and dermatitis.


Vitamins B9 (folic acid) and B12 – have a central role in your body’s cellular metabolism that allow your body to complete its processes such as cell replication, DNA synthesis and repair. The repair of cellular DNA in the skin that may have been damaged over time by UV light or pollutants can help reduce the signs of aging by reducing the appearance of wrinkles, improving skin elasticity, and decreasing roughness.


Vitamin A - can help prevent cell damage and skin aging by protecting the skin from adverse environmental factors like pollution and UV radiation. Vitamin A also improves the moisture content and elasticity of the skin by increasing collagen production leading to a more youthful appearance.


Vitamin C - is an important antioxidant shown to have photoprotective properties meaning the antioxidant activity protects against UV induced (usually sun exposure) damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin C can scavenge free radicals and prevent excessive cell damage and oxidative stress which can decrease the appearance of wrinkles.


Vitamin E - acts as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant which contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. It is most effective when coupled with the consumption of vitamin C to help scavenge free radicals and keep the skin safe from sun damage which is a main cause of the appearance of wrinkles.


Collagen - naturally occurs in the body yet its production declines with age making dietary intake more important particularly if you are seeking a smoother, more youthful appearance.


Zinc - contributes to the maintenance of healthy cell membranes and its barrier function; it is required for the healthy division and growth of the main skin cells called epidermal keratinocytes and may help slow down the rate of collagen breakdown.


Soya Bean Extract 40% Genistein (Glycine max) - By supplementing with genistein which is a plant-based estrogen that binds to estrogen receptors present in the skin it may improve changes to the skin associated with lowered estrogen levels such as increasing collagen content, increasing dermal thickness and elasticity.


To simplify your menopausal skincare routine and rebalance your hormonal skin, head to our

Rebalance My Skin Range