
Nourish Your Skin from the Inside and Out

Jun 23, 2022

Nourish your way to healthy radiant skin from inside and out with REMYs nutrient packet food supplements and highly absorbent night-time face serum

Nourish Your Skin from the Inside and Out

Skin Composition

Understanding how our skin is formed, nourished and replenished is the first step to create an effective skin care routine. Many of us will have experienced areas of dry flaky skin and know that the skin cells at the surface are the ones that shed. We sometimes encourage this shedding by exfoliating to remove old skin cells so that the newer skin cells that have worked their way up to the surface are revealed a little sooner. Looking at this we can then say that it is the older epithelial cells that are at the surface of the skin some of which may be shed soon, yet we normally apply lotions to the outer skin surface, to these older skin cells that are soon to fall off, as it is easily accessible, and we forget about the cells underneath. Effective lotions will be able to absorb into the skin and target underlying cells, the ones that are going to emerge afresh at the surface rather than the uppermost cells which are the ones that shred and great results are often achieved. These results, however, can be short-lived results unless we also ensure the emergent cells are already in good health, and this can be achieved through nutrients from our diet.


So What If We Take A Different Approach?

Nourish from the Inside

The saying of “you are what you eat” is often used but if the saying has some acclaim, then our skin is set to benefit from foods too. Foods that are healthy for the skin include those loaded with vitamins E and C and can promote or regenerate collagen production. Eating healthily is certainly recommended but some days we may just need that little bit extra help to ensure the nutrients essential to great skin are in plentiful or consistent supply.

The multiple layers of skin are shown. Blood vessels deliver nutrients to the basement membrane to help them grow, multiply and differentiate.  The cells move up as they age and emerge into the outer layer of skin where they eventually are shed.  We can provide nutrients to skin cells from inside and out to ensure they are in optimum health.

Epithelial cells are avascular, meaning they do not have a direct blood supply to provide them with nutrients, they acquire their nutrients from the basement membrane. The basement membrane is essentially fed by the cells, such as fibroblasts beneath it. The relationship between epithelial cells and fibroblasts was a prominent area of my experimental research when working as a post-doc at Nottingham University. To ensure epithelial cells were healthy is was essential that the supporting fibroblast feeder layer that we grew them upon were in optimum health too and that the nutrients supplied to feed them benefited both types of cells. This can be taken forward to our skincare; by providing healthy, well fed underlying cells we are providing the right environment for the uppermost skin cells to be in their optimal condition. Having a strong base of epithelial cells means it is then easier for face creams to do their job as they are then only refining the result of the emergent cells rather than trying to work wonders on tired, undernourished skin cells.


Replenish and Rebalance From The Out

Is your night-time face serum ending up on your pillow?

The uppermost skin that is in contact with the environment may have had a particularly harsh day battling with wind, pollution or UV rays. Instant relief can be provided in the form of a highly absorbent serums, creams etc formulated to help soothe, replenish and restore a radiant appearance. The results are going to be more effective if already working with healthy cells. Another consideration is how effective the lotion is at absorbing into the skin. If a lotion isn’t absorbing well into the skin, then it’s not delivering the ingredients to the area that needs it the most. If it’s a night-time lotion, then no doubt your pillowcase is receiving most of the treatment that you spent your well-earned pounds on.


Combined Skincare - Healthy skin cell growth for a more youthful appearance

Combining a nutrient packed food supplement aimed at promoting healthy epithelial cell growth with a highly absorbent serum can be an easy and effective cosmetic approach towards achieving more youthful looking skin.

REMY's combined skincare offers a nutrient packed food supplement to norish cells fromt he inside ensuring they emerge in optimum health as well as a highly absorbent night-time serum to nourish from the outside and relieve the outer skin cells from the environmental impact.


Nourish from the Inside and Replenish from the Out with REMY’s combined approach to skincare.